Why Wind Energy?
Wind energy is the fastest-growing energy sector in the world and we believe that wind energy will play a central role in Ireland’s transition to a low-carbon economy by 2050. Ireland faces an extraordinary challenge to move its energy system from one based primarily based on fossil fuel to one predominately powered by renewable energy
Wind is an efficient, sustainable and clean renewable energy source, which provides valuable and sustainable alternatives to extensively-used and polluting fossil fuels. Wind energy has the potential to produce more electricity every year than Ireland needs. Just with the onshore wind farms that we currently have, wind energy provided 34% of our electricity in 2022. Every time you switch on the tv or boil the kettle, a portion of that power is coming from wind turbines.
Wind turbines do not emit GHGs while operational. It takes a turbine just three to six months to produce the amount of energy that goes into its manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning after its 30 year lifetime.
Wind farms are usually constructed in areas with low population density and where air flow is not interrupted by buildings or other obstacles.
Wind over the sea is captured at higher speeds and has greater consistency.
Wind over the sea is captured at higher speeds and has greater consistency.

Understanding Wind Turbines
Different scales and models are chosen depending on site conditions and constraints.
In general, all models are an off-white/grey colour. Some have green at the base that blends in with the local surroundings.
Key Facts
Wind farms currently in operation in ireland
In 2022 Wind accounted for 34% of Ireland’s energy
Ireland's 2030 Onshore wind energy target IS 9GW
The average lifecycle of a wind turbine
Resources & Associations

Wind Energy Ireland

View Ireland's renewable energy associations

View Ireland's Climate Action Plan